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repair of home air conditioners

04 май 2019
Speaking about the repair of home air conditioners, we note that home air conditioners still do not exist. Perhaps you will object: well, how can it not happen if one of these hangs at my house ?! That's right. Here only you have a household air conditioner installed in your home (there are still semi-industrial and industrial).

Therefore, the correct name of the service is the viking range repair of household air conditioners. Although the "home" air conditioners we repair too. In most cases, the repair of household air conditioners is reduced to cleaning the filters and refilling the refrigerant. These are perhaps the most common reasons why split-systems suddenly stop working or working, but incorrectly. In time, an unnoticed refrigerant leak is fraught with overheating of the compressor and freezing of the heat exchanger of the indoor unit.

And if for a long time to neglect cleaning the air filter of the indoor unit, cleaning the evaporator, condenser, power supply unit, indoor and outdoor units, drainage system, then it may be necessary not only to repair a home air conditioner, but also a doctor for you. Because pathogenic bacteria will actively proliferate in the system. You yourself will not notice how the air conditioner from a source of comfortable atmosphere will turn into a source of disease and poor health.
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