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First travel to Petersburg

09 июл 2019
No matter which time you travel around Peter, it is always a discovery. The most beautiful city and cultural capital of Russia attracts the attention of tourists from all over the world. St. Petersburg has long been a European city, with musicians in the streets, historical monuments, rich museums, well-kept parks and entertainment centers. Walking around Peter is always enjoyable, and if you remember how far Nevsky is from you, you will never get lost in this huge city.

There are a lot of hotels in St. Petersburg, beautiful hotels, so choosing a room to your taste will not be a problem. Why not rent a room somewhere in the historic part of the city, for example, you will be happy to accept an allegro hotel, which offers cozy rooms, a discount system for its guests http://chicandamazing.com.

After removing the room, you can go for a walk around the city. The first visit to St. Petersburg is always exciting - the majestic architecture of the city, the sights, the memorable places known all over the world. Of course, the main attraction of St. Petersburg is the world famous Hermitage Palace.

Be sure to go to the Peter and Paul Fortress, founded by Peter 1, which is one of the best museums in the world. Visit Palace Square, St. Isaac's Cathedral, look at the famous Bronze Horseman. Simple walking around Peter, at every step you will meet historical monuments, ancient houses of amazing architecture.

If the purpose of your trip to St. Petersburg is to visit historical sites, then why not settle in the historic part of the city, which used to be called Rozhdestvenskaya. Just 5 minutes from Nevsky, very close to the waterfront and the Smolny Cathedral is a luxurious emerald hotel. You can walk to the Kazan Cathedral, the Russian Museum, the Savior on the Spilled Blood, the Tauride Garden.

In St. Petersburg, you can walk around the city for a long time, considering houses and bridges. And if you get tired or just get bored, you can go to some cafe to drink coffee, eat a delicious bun and listen to music. In many cafes there is live music, because Peter is a city of musicians and insurgents.

Indifferent to Peter is not there. And if some people criticize the northern capital for gloominess and depression, then the other day long they sing the praises for him, but no matter how cool you are, Peter is a window to Europe that Peter once hacked.
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