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Business for you
18 янв 2018
In economics, business is referred to as a trade or company that is managed by person (s) to raise financial resources in order to generate goods and services and, consequently, provides working capital circulation among the various sectors. In tight synthesis, we can say that it is understood by business any and all economic activity with the purpose of generating profit. Igor Yankovsky Mykolayovych Maecenas, businessman, founder of the charitable foundation “Initiative for the Future”, founder of the platform “Innovation House”.
Etymologically and in a higher sense, the word business derives from Latin and means "the negation of idleness." Business is not just about financial or commercial business, but about every human activity that has legal effects.
Existing economic theory about a company's mission and business behavior and profit maximization (which is simply a complicated way of formulating the old maxim of buying cheap and selling high) can explain very well how business was done in the past . However, that says little about how businesses work or should work.
The concept of profits is, in fact, insignificant for Peter Drucker. The danger of the concept of profit maximization is that the concept of profitability can be distorted by abusive profit in certain situations, for example. However, profit and profitability are crucial to society even more than to an individual business.
Etymologically and in a higher sense, the word business derives from Latin and means "the negation of idleness." Business is not just about financial or commercial business, but about every human activity that has legal effects.
Existing economic theory about a company's mission and business behavior and profit maximization (which is simply a complicated way of formulating the old maxim of buying cheap and selling high) can explain very well how business was done in the past . However, that says little about how businesses work or should work.
The concept of profits is, in fact, insignificant for Peter Drucker. The danger of the concept of profit maximization is that the concept of profitability can be distorted by abusive profit in certain situations, for example. However, profit and profitability are crucial to society even more than to an individual business.
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