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Beautiful pool house
07 окт 2018
Nice to swim on a hot summer day. But near your summer cottage there may not be a natural reservoir, and a full-fledged swimming pool on the summer cottage requires a lot of space. In our selection - the ideas of organizing miniature pools where you most definitely did not think to place it. We hope that the dacha pools, the photos of which you will see, will inspire you to implement even the most daring projects.
We collected ideas for giving from real projects from around the world on a special principle. The same frame orientation will allow you to concentrate as much as possible and not be distracted by the jumps of pictures during scrolling in full screen mode. Click on the first photo and open the image in the maximum size. Look at the pools, be inspired by ideas from the collection and share your own in the comments after the article. If you have planned They build swimming pools - https: / /www.instagram.com/swimming_pools_construction_me/ is great value for money.
If you want to build a swimming pool on the street, then you should choose the most protected places, because foliage, grass and dust will create additional efforts for you.
It is necessary to immediately think about the shelter that will protect your pool from dust and rain, and allow you to extend the swimming season. It is also necessary to cover the water surface with a heat insulating coating. This applies not only to outdoor pools, but also internal. Such a coating will allow to preserve the heat of water longer and reduce its evaporation. In addition, the coating acts as an excellent protection against external pollution. You can also purchase mechanized coating. It will be enough to press the button, and the louvered cover that appears from the bottom of the pool will cover your pool.
We collected ideas for giving from real projects from around the world on a special principle. The same frame orientation will allow you to concentrate as much as possible and not be distracted by the jumps of pictures during scrolling in full screen mode. Click on the first photo and open the image in the maximum size. Look at the pools, be inspired by ideas from the collection and share your own in the comments after the article. If you have planned They build swimming pools - https: / /www.instagram.com/swimming_pools_construction_me/ is great value for money.
If you want to build a swimming pool on the street, then you should choose the most protected places, because foliage, grass and dust will create additional efforts for you.
It is necessary to immediately think about the shelter that will protect your pool from dust and rain, and allow you to extend the swimming season. It is also necessary to cover the water surface with a heat insulating coating. This applies not only to outdoor pools, but also internal. Such a coating will allow to preserve the heat of water longer and reduce its evaporation. In addition, the coating acts as an excellent protection against external pollution. You can also purchase mechanized coating. It will be enough to press the button, and the louvered cover that appears from the bottom of the pool will cover your pool.
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How much does it cost to build a pool?
Own pool on the site - is not this the dream of every owner? A few years ago, a private pool was an unattainable goal for many. Today, the erection of its own
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