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Professional Window Cleaning Services

03 янв 2019
Cleaning windows is exhausting and, according to a study of the Minijob headquarters, is one of the most unpopular household tasks besides ironing.

Book a professional window cleaning service via Helpling window cleaning manhattan. The professionals we provide help you with difficult-to-access windows and are well-equipped to do the exterior cleaning. The professionals also clean the windows faster and more thoroughly and the associated costs are manageable. Helpling calculates the total price before you book, so there are no hidden costs to you.

Simple and convenient: The booking is made online via our booking mask. First, enter the number, size, type, and border style of your windows. The time required for this is calculated automatically and at the same time the costs incurred for this are displayed.

Now we still need your contact information and three appointments of your choice. Within 24 hours on working days you will receive a confirmation of the appointment from us. The invoice amount will be withdrawn from your form of payment after successful completion of the work. Cash payment is currently not possible.
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