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World of Warcraft: Legion Blizzard Entertainment

11 окт 2017
World of Warcraft: Legion is the sixth expansion of the World of Warcraft Game. Blizzard Entertainment announced the expansion at Gamescom 2015 on August 6, 2015. The expansion was launched on August 30, 2016. On November 6, 2015, BlizzCon showed a trailer where Varian Wrynn and Sylvanas Brisaveloz arrived at the new continent, Abrupt Islands in the ships of their respective faction and where they were attacked by the Burning Legion.

From the modified Draenor, Azeroth unleashes a large-scale invasion of the Fiery Legion, which attack different regions of the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor. Seeking to detain them at the source, a detachment of the Alliance and the Horde, led by the faction leaders, Varian Wrynn and Vol'jin, heads towards the Abrupt Islands, where the tomb of Sargeras and the base of the Legion, buy tomb of sargeras heroic on koroboost.com . There Gul'dan is waiting for them and an army of millions of demons. Despite fighting fiercely, the demons regenerate quickly after dying, and soon surpass the expedition. Sylvanas is forced to evacuate the Horde after being mortally wounded Vol'jin, which from the Alliance, who have not seen the motive, see as a betrayal. The Alliance then also decides to retreat, but in order to escape, Varian Wrynn sacrifices himself and is left behind, being assassinated by Gul'dan.

Anduin Wrynn will be proclaimed definitively like king of Stormwind and leader of the Alliance, and for its part Vol'jin appoints like new chief of war to Sylvanas Brisaveloz. For his part, Khadgar discovers that the only way to stop the Legion and protect Azeroth from the invasion is to find five artifacts known as the Pillars of the World, found precisely on the Abrupt Islands. In this way, teleport the floating city of Dalaran to the Quebradas Islands, where the Alliance and the Horde will face the Legion and recover the Pillars of the World trying to overcome the new quarrels between the two factions.
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