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How to choose the right shoes

25 апр 2019
In almost every sports store we are offered a wide range of sneakers. They vary by manufacturer, cost, color, and also by functionality. But how to choose sneakers - few know. Therefore, often the buyer is at a loss, not knowing what to buy shoe dept coupons. After all, if you mindlessly buy what you liked first, you can be very disappointed soon after the purchase.

In order to acquire truly high-quality sports shoes, it is necessary to properly prepare for such a purchase, having studied the basic criteria for the right choice. Let's finally find out how to choose the right shoes.

Sneakers are not walking shoes that you can choose, focusing only on the "like / dislike" parameter. Sneakers should firmly fix the ankle, to withstand a large load, the foot in them should be comfortable.

To choose really comfortable sneakers, do it better in the evening. Not because after work there is more free time and you can slowly explore the entire range, but because by evening the leg naturally swells (from daily load). It is better to choose sneakers that will be a little free in the morning than those that will crush and cause discomfort by evening.
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