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Who is a makeup artist

03 окт 2019
Makeup artist is a specialist in the field of makeup, creating an image using makeup art tools.

The main task of the makeup artist is not only to create a certain image, but to emphasize the dignity of a person’s face and hide the flaws. When working with a person, a makeup artist must take into account the natural data of the client, know what needs to be emphasized with makeup, and what to hide.

A professional should know what colors and textures are suitable for a given type of appearance; a suit, an image, are appropriate for a given time of day, year, event.
A makeup artist is an artist, but he does not draw on paper, but on his face or body.

A makeup artist ny is a person who understands creams, skin features, he not only knows how to do makeup, he is a professional in makeup. Make-up artists can most likely be called a make-up artist, that is, a makeup artist. Still, English terms are sometimes very capacious. We leave aside such specific knowledge as knowledge of the psychology of color, the laws of composition and drawing. The main difference is that the results of the work of a cosmetologist are objective. There was a pimple - and there was no pimple, there were wrinkles or freckles - and now they disappeared without a trace. The make-up artist’s work may or may not like it. The master’s many hours of effort can be mercilessly washed off in five minutes along with a seemingly too pale foundation.

In addition, the makeup artist should be, first of all, an excellent psychologist. For a very limited time, he should feel the client and offer her the best of what she is able to perceive.

Here, perhaps, the main difficulty lies in wait for the make-up artist - the client’s unwillingness to change her appearance. As a rule, it sounds like this: "I want to change everything, but so that nothing is noticeable." Working with such a “closed” client is like walking on a tightrope: a step to the side is a fall. A drop of blush of an unusual color - and the client runs in panic to wash.

Therefore, the makeup artist must at first be especially careful about the taste of the client, trying to gradually bring him up. Neglecting the client’s opinion is the main mistake of beginning masters. They are literally bursting with the desire to apply the knowledge just acquired at the school of makeup artists (there are plenty of places where they teach makeup).

They sincerely want to help, and not just to help - save the client from her own appearance! A bad or novice make-up artist uses the words “terrible eyebrows”, “full face”, “protruding cheekbones” and so on and ... ensures the client’s escape, even if he is right a thousand times! A woman will not forgive such an assessment and probably will not want to be attentive to the opinion of such a makeup artist.

You should avoid imposing your own, even competent, view on the appearance of the client, especially if she is not yet ready for radical changes in her appearance.
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